Must Have Handbags List!

Hi everyone! We all know that handbags are something which we all need to have and carry. They are not only responsible to carrying your daily important stuff but these are also very much important for making a style statement. If you carry a handbag which is pretty then it surely adds to your style and personality. Let’s check out a few types of handbags which every girl should own:

Clutch: Believe it or not, a clutch is one of the most important handbags which you must have. It’s a small handbag which can be carried on a daily basis and also makes a wonderful option for an evening party or attending any event. The clutch handbag helps in carrying your all you essential stuff that includes your credit or debit cards, mobile, makeup items and any such accessory.

Satchel bag: If you are a student or a working professional who needs to carry your books and other office files and stuff then satchel bag is a must have for you. A satchel bag is a handbag which has a strap. When it is compared to a brief case then it comes on a soft side.


satchel bag for girls

Wallet: A wallet bag helps in carrying your most important stuff like money, credit and debit cards, a comb or probably your cell phone. It can be carried inside any other bigger bag such as an evening clutch or a bag pack.

Cross body bag:  Cross body bags are one of the most stylish bags out there. They are worn cross body hence the name. These are easy to carry and look wonderful.


cross body bag

Backpack: If you want to look cool and feel comfortable both at the same time then do not forget to add a backpack in your handbags list. They can be used to carry many important items all at the same time and are very comfortable to carry especially while travelling.

Final lines:

Hope you liked our list of must have handbags.

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1 Comment

  1. I love a cute, small crossbody bag!

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